Discover Bahia with Ivan Bahia, the best top private tour-guide & travel agency in Brazil, best experience (English/Français/Nederlands) in Salvador, Chapada Diamantina National Park, All Saints Bay, Cachoeira, Recôncavo Baiano, Praia do Forte, Coconut coast and Bahia /NE-Brazil  #ivanbahia #ivanbahiaguide #ivanbahiatravelguide #fotoschapadadiamantina #ibg #ibtg #guiachapadadiamantina #toursbylocals #chapadadiamantinaguide #chapadadiamantina #chapadaexperience #lencoistomorrodesaopaulo #voyagebresil #bresilessentiel #diamantinamountains #chapadadiamantinatrekking #lencois #lençois #brazilhoneymoon #yourtourbrazil #yourtoursbrazil #bahiaguide #bahiametisse #transatjacquesvabres #sailingbrazil #yourtoursbrazil #gaytravelbrazil #morrodopaiinacio #FotosChapadaDiamantina #BahiaTourism #SalvadorBahiaTravel #tripadvisorsalvador #tripadvisorbahia #voyagegay #voyagelgbt #gayvoyageur #gayvoyages #gaytravelbrazil #lgbtq+friendly #gaytravelinfo #gayhoneymoon #gayholiday #lgbttravel #lgbtqfriendly #lgbttourism #lgbtq #lgbtqtravel #gayworldwide #gaytravelguide #gaytravelinsta #gayworld #gaystraveltoo #thegaypassport #gaytravelers #wearetravelgays #gaycation #gaytravellers #gaytravel #gaytravelinsta #gaytourist #lgbtqtravelers #instagay  Ivan Bahia is the best English speaking travel guide Salvador & Chapada Diamantina mountains, le meilleur guide francophone. Ivan Bahia is de beste Nederlandstalige reisgids
logo Ivan Salvador,Bahia - Chapada Diamantina tour guide hashtag: #IvanBahiaGuide #SalvadorBahiaBrazil #Bresil #BresilEssentiel #BrazilEssential #ChapadaDiamantina #Brazilie #ToursByLocals #GayTravelBrazil #IBG #FotosBahia #BahiaTourism #SalvadorBahiaTravel #FotosChapadaDiamantina #fernandobingretourguide #BrazilTravel #ChapadaDiamantinaGuide #ChapadaDiamantinaTrekking #Chapadaadventure #BahiaMetisse #BahiaGuide #diamantinamountains #DiamondMountains #ValedoPati #PatyValley #ValeCapao #Bahia #Lençois  #voyageraprescovid19 #voyagesaprescovid19 #voyageaprescovid19 #chapadaadventuredaniel #chapadaroots #ChapadaSoul #DiamantinaTrip #zentur #ChapadaDiamantinaGuide #valedopati #chapadadiamantina #valedocapao #viapati #diamantinamountains
  • Lençois, portal of Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    Visiting Lençois, portal of Chapada Diamantina

  • Walking the charming cobled streets of Lençois - Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    Walking the charming cobled streets of Lençois

  • Irresistable mountain views of Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    Mountain views you will NOT resist

  • Mucuzezinho falls and Devil's Pit (Poço do DIabo) in Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    Waterfalls, we visit Mucuzezinho and his "Devil's pit waterfalls

  • Devil's Pit (Poço do DIabo) top view Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    Topview of the famous "Devil's Pit" (Poço do Diabo)

  • Mount Morro de Pai Inacio in Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    THE classical view in Chapada Diamantina National park seen from mount Pai Inaçio

  • Office view in the Brazilian Grand Canyon aka Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

    View from "my office" in Chapada Diamantina National aka the "Brazilian Grand Canyon"

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Contact us via WHATSAPP, to check availability if you want to discover Chapada Diamantina National Park this week !

We are a unique local professional travel and tour guide agency offering complete service for travelers. Known at the Tripadvisor for having the best guiding experience, at most competive price on the market Because websites like Viator, Tours by Locals, Tripadvisor, Rent a Guide take heavy COMMISSIONS ... which the consumer-traveller pays for! We are happy to work together with our collegue Tour Guides, here in Salvador da Bahia, from Le Guide du Routard, Tours by Locals, Rent a Guide and many more. We'd like to thank Bingre, Bahiaflaneur, Bahia Metisse & Nicolas for their collegiality.
Park entry panel Chapada Diamantina - Ivan Salvador & Bahia tour guide

You have little time in Brazil ?
View the best of Chapada Diamantina in 1 day.

This is a 1-day-trip that is made for those who have very little time, to visit Brazil but nontheless want to see it all.
Ivan Bahia Guide will gladly take you to Chapada Diamantina for 1 day (or more days, if you would wish so).

Chapada Diamantina National Park is a 1,520 km² national park in the center of the State of Bahia, and is also refered to as the "Brazilian Grand Canyon", about 430 kilometers West of Salvador.

There are many, many places to be visited in this amazing Park but we have made an attractive selection for you, including some amazing waterfalls (like the Poço do Diabo, Primaveira falls), a visit in Lençois (where we will have lunch), and of corse the most impressive spot of the Brazilian Grand Canyon which is the famous Morro de Pai Inaçio mount ... yes, you will be on top (1.164m) of it.

You can combine this tour with every other tour from Ivan Bahia Guide

As there is quite some mileage involved, we will be leaving Salvador very early in the morning (pickup at your hotel at 6.00pm sharp) and return pretty late (return to your hotel around 11.00pm).
We always make a trip as comfortable as possible (a little pillow always is handy, to take a nap in the car) and let you enjoy a regular 'pitstop' whenever needed.

As demand is high for this daytrip - since we are the only tourist agency offering 'Chapada Diamantina in a flash' - so we strongly suggest you contact us now :

This day-tour can also be done by HELICOPTER

For those people who do have some more time remember we have a lot more to offer you in Chapada Diamantina.
We suggest you visit our Chapada trip page, our the various at the trekkings page.

You could also have a look at some mouthwatering pictures of the National Park HERE and see the best you could find in Chapada Diamantina.

Not only with my " Salvador, 500 years in 1 day " cultural tour but also with a " visit of Cachoeira " for example.

What often is required by our customers is a direct link from Chapada Diamantina to the Morro de São Paulo or Boipeba islands via the ferryboat of Valença.
That is a trip we do regularly so you can easily gain 6 hours of extra traveling as we take a shotcut inlands (instead of traveling back to Salvador first).

Want to go to Chapada Diamantina tomorrow ? Contact us now !

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