Discover Bahia with Ivan Bahia private tour-guide / travel agency, for the best experience in Salvador, Chapada Diamantina National Park and Bahia /NE-Brazil - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, reisgids in Brazilie, #BahiaMetisse,#FernandoBingre,#SalvadorFoto,#SalvadorBahiaBrazil,SalvadorBahiaTourism,#IvanBahiaGuide,#IvanSalvadorBahia,#SalvadorBahiaTravel. Professional tour-guide services for travelers and photographers, in Salvador, Bahia, Cachoeira, Reconcavo Baiano, North East Brazil, with the lowest price. We are better and cheaper. Booking directly with Ivan Bahia Guide. We work together with collegue Tour Guides, in Salvador da Bahia, from Tours by Locals, Free Walking Tours, Tripadvisor and Rent a Guide. Special thanks to Fernando Bingre, Marcio, Bahiaflaneur, Bahia Metisse, Dirk Van Kerckhove, André Alves, Mauro tours, Cassi Turismo, Bahia tours, Your tours Brazil, Bahia Mais Turismo and others for their collegiality.

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Ivan Bahia Travel Tours & Packs

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The BEST OF BRAZIL starts with Ivan Bahia & Chapada Diamantina Guide - 4x4 experiences in the Brazilian Grand Canyon   #IvanBahiaGuide #SalvadorBahiaBrazil #Bresil #BresilEssentiel #BrazilEssential #ChapadaDiamantina #Brazilie #ToursByLocals #GayTravelBrazil #IBG #FotosBahia #BahiaTourism #chapadadiamantinaguideivan #FotosChapadaDiamantina #fernandobingretourguide #BrazilTravel #ChapadaDiamantinaGuide #ChapadaDiamantinaTrekking #Chapadaadventure #BahiaMetisse #BahiaGuide #diamantinamountains #DiamondMountains #ValedoPati #PatyValley #ValeCapao #Bahia #Lençois #MorroPaiInacio #cirtur #chapadaadventuredaniel #chapadaroots #ChapadaSoul #DiamantinaTrip #zentur #ChapadaDiamantinaGuide #valedopati #chapadadiamantina #valedocapao #viapati #diamantinamountains #voyagegay #voyagelgbt #gayvoyageur #gayvoyages #gaytravelbrazil #lgbtq+friendly #instagay #gayhoneymoon #gayholiday #voyagelgbt #lgbtqfriendly #lgbttourism #lgbtq #gaytravelinsta
Comprehensive Guide to Photography Travel in Salvador. Over 500 years of culture, a dream for every photographer. Find the most exclusive spots thanks to Ivan Bahia Guide (who is also a photographer).

A selection of interesting places you might want select to visit with Ivan Bahia Guide (Covid-19 vaccinated), here in Salvador da Bahia (original Capital of Brazil since 1549).

For our latest photo-updates please follow us on Instagram

  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, skyline of Salvador seen from the Bay of All Saints / Baia de Todos os Santos - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon The modern skyline of Salvador in the 21st century Nice areal view of the most modern and chique part of Salvador going from Avenida Sete all along into the Barra area.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, former house of Jorge Amado in the Pelourinho historic city center - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Jorge Amado's former house in the Pelourinho Housing the "Associação Jorge Amado" nowadays, this (blue) building hasn't lost a bit of it's grace.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Palacio Rio Branco office of Brazil's governor Tome de Souza - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Palácio Rio Branco The Palácio Rio Branco was reconstructed in 1919 after being partially ruined in a bombing and subsequent fire. The original 1549 structure housed the offices of Tomé de Souza, Brazil's first governor general
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, São Joachim market where inhabitants of Salvador can find almost anything - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Banana's flying at São Joachim's market São Joachim is a huge market where the common man can almost find everything for his home going from food (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, dried food, ...) to home-decoration.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, chilli peppers of all kinds at the Mercado São Joachim - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon THE specialist of chili-peppers in Salvador This man, with his shop in the São Joachim market, sell every possible chili-pepper variant available in Bahia. Some of his most popular chilies : pimento de cheiro (also known as "habaneiro", the hottest natural chili in the world), pimento malaqueta, pimento japonès (originally from the Amazon), dedo de moça.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Dique de Tororo with his famous Candomblé gods statues in the water - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Orichás at Dique de TororoOne of the most impressive depictions of the orishá (Cancomblé gods), is located on a big lake and recreation park in the middle of the city called Dique do Tororo, which contains a group of orishá statues dancing in a circle on the surface of the water.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, São Francisco Church - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon São Francisco Church The São Francisco Church and Convent of Salvador is located in the historical centre of Salvador. The convent and its church are very important colonial monuments in Brazil and also important repository of Baroque art.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, São Francisco church - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Two tons of gold on the walls ...The most important characteristic of the São Francisco church is its exuberant inner decoration, mostly executed in the first half of the 18th century. All surfaces inside - walls, pillars, vaults and ceilings - are covered by golden sculptered gilt woodwork and paintings.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Comercio or Lower city - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Cidade Baixia aka Comercio The "Comercio' in the lower city part of Salvador is where the commercial activity and banking world started in Brazil in the 17th century. All shiploads transiting from inlands to Europe were negociated, traded and paid in this neigborhood. Nowadays it still plays an imporant role in the city of Salvador.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Forte de São Marcelo built during the governing of Francisco Barreto in the 17th century - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Forte São Marcelo This circular fort was built during the government of Francisco Barreto (1657-1663). Its objective was to avoid any invasion of the port. In the 1670s it had 9 cannons. Its slightly circular project is formed by a central turret, surrounded by a ring of equal height, constituting the perimeter and the quarters. It was built in sandstone up to the waterline and the remaining in stonemasonry.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Monte Serrat fortress - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon The Monte Serrat fortress The Mont Serrat fort, one of the best examples of military primitive architecture in Brazil, gives a panoramic view of the city.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Forte Santa Maria at porto da Barra near the lighthouse Farol de Barra - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Fortress of Santa Maria Forte Santa Maria is located at Porto da Barra, only 500 metres from the Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra (at the lighthouse). It was built during the government of D. Diogo Luís de Oliveria (1627-1635). The fort existed during the second Dutch invasion of Salvador in 1638, and was a part of the city defences. Forte Santa Maria has an Italian style design and was built in stonemasonry.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, popular discussion spot under the lawfull eye of Yemanja, goddes of the sea in the Candomblé religion - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Fisherman under Iemanja's careful watch After some hard labour at sea during the night the fishermen discuss things of daily life under the watchful eye of Iemanja, the godess of water and seas in their typical Candomblé-religion.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, local fisherman's community - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Community life The local community always takes care of it's members and a helpful hand is never far away when there is a need.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, fisherman cleaning fresh fish - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Cleaning the fish at the spot Fresh fish cleaned as soon as possible is a must to ensure the best quality. Could you imagine a more charming place to do this job ?
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, traditional mobile grocery store - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Our mobile grocery store Where we live in the old historic city center, we have daily delivery at our doorstep of some carefully selected fruits. Before getting in our neigborhood he has to climb a steep street. To prevent sliding back with his whole 'shop' this man simply does it barefooted.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, ride on the favella train along the suburbs of the city - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Ride on the favela-train Salvador presents many ways to undertake "social tourism" off the beaten tracks. One of our favorites is a ride on the "favela-train" in the suburbs of Salvador.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, near Bonfim Church - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Friendship is so important in Bahia This incredibly corageous man may have no more legs but he appreciates our friendship, time and time again.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Bonfim Church - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at  #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Bonfim Church One of the most enigmatic and important pelgrim-places in Brazil, the famous Bonfim Church, also known for it's syncretism between catholic and candomblé religion.
  • Point of views in Salvador while visiting Bahia with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide during the Salvador, 500 years in 1 day tour, Ribeira - Photography by Ivan Bahia Guide, traveling in Brazil, hashtag search us at #salvadorbahiabrazil #braziltravel #ivanbahiaguide #ivansalvadorguide#ToursByLocals #fernandobingretourguide @fernandobingre #gaytravelbrazil #IBG #fotosbahia #Salvador500in1 #bahiametisse #IvanBahiaGuide, #ivansalvadorbahia #salvadorbahiabravel #BahiaTourism  #BestOfSalvador #IBTG #GuideDeTourismeSalvadorBahiaBresil #yourtoursbrazil #maurotours #bahiatopturismo #transfervipsalvador #transfersalvador #bahiapremium #booktransfer #maisbahiaturismo #ibg #fernandobingretourguide #cassiturismo #brazilhoneymoon Ribeira's peninsula At the tip of the Ribeira pininsula one finds peace in the week and fiesta's in the weekends
  • The best, professionally licenced tour-guide service for every traveler in Salvador, Bahia, Cachoeira, Reconcavo Baiano, Nordeste, North East Brazil. We apply the lowest price available for walking-tours by locals. Book now directly with Ivan Bahia Guide. We are happy to work together with Tours with Locals collegue Guides from Le Guide du Routard, Tripadvisor, Free Walking Tours, and Rent a Guide. We thank Fernando Bingre, Marcio, Bahiaflaneur, Bahia Metisse, BahiaMetisse, Dirk Van Kerckhove, André Alves, Frank Faro, Sayuri Cardoso, Clara Manuela Bastos Ramos, Juha Paltila, Jürgen Szillat, Thiago Barra, Laura Medeot dos Santos and others for their collegiality.

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