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  • Segeln in der Allerheiligenbucht mit Ivan Bahia Reiseleiter, in einem traditionellen Schoner, um die Inseln Frades und Itaparica zu besuchen, um im kristallklaren Wasser zu schwimmen.

    Exiting the port of Salvador Tagesausflug zu den Aller Heiligen Bucht Inseln, Besuch von Itaparica und Frades

  • Segeln in der Allerheiligenbucht mit Ivan Bahia Reiseleiter, in einem traditionellen Schoner, um die Inseln Frades und Itaparica zu besuchen, um im kristallklaren Wasser zu schwimmen.

    Sailing to the island Frades

  • The schooner we useSegeln in der Allerheiligenbucht mit Ivan Bahia Reiseleiter, in einem traditionellen Schoner, um die Inseln Frades und Itaparica zu besuchen, um im kristallklaren Wasser zu schwimmen.

    The schooner we will be using

  • Relaxing beach of the island FradesSegeln in der Allerheiligenbucht mit Ivan Bahia Reiseleiter, in einem traditionellen Schoner, um die Inseln Frades und Itaparica zu besuchen, um im kristallklaren Wasser zu schwimmen.

    The nice relaxing beach of Frades

  • Beach at the island Itaparica stopSegeln in der Allerheiligenbucht mit Ivan Bahia Reiseleiter, in einem traditionellen Schoner, um die Inseln Frades und Itaparica zu besuchen, um im kristallklaren Wasser zu schwimmen.

    Beach at the island of Itaparica

  • Approaching the port of Salvador after sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide

    Returning to Salvador by the end of the afternoon

Besuchen Sie die Inseln Itaparica und Frades mit einem traditionellen Schoner

Kontaktieren Sie uns JETZT über WHATSAPP, um unsere Verfügbarkeit zu prüfen, ob Sie morgen zur Chapada Diamantina möchten!

Ein entspannender Tag auf der Bucht von Allerheiligen (die zweitgrößte Bucht der Welt) mit einem tyîcal Bahian Schoner.
Am Morgen holen wir Sie in Ihrem Hotel ab und fahren Sie zum Centro Nautico de Bahia (CENAB), wo Sie in Begleitung anderer fröhlicher Brasilianer zu einem glücklichen Tag aufbrechen werden.

> An Bord gibt es Früchte zum Genießen, sowie Getränke und natürlich frische Caiperinhas. Die Musiker bringen jeden in die richtige Stimmung und man kann sogar Samba tanzen, wenn man möchte.

Nach ca. 1,5 Stunden Fahrt ankern wir am kleinen Hafen der Insel Frades.
>. Sie können frei herumlaufen, sich am Strand sonnen oder schwimmen.
> Gegen Mittag kehren wir zum Schiff zurück und setzen die Segel zur Insel Itaparica, wo wir im Strandrestaurant Manguezal zu Mittag essen werden. Es gibt ein kostenloses Buffet, wo Sie soviel essen können, wie Sie von einer feinen Auswahl an Bahian-Rezepten essen möchten. Viel Spaß!
Gegen 15.00 Uhr machen wir uns auf den Weg zurück nach Salvador, wo wir gegen Sonnenuntergang ankommen.
> Einmal an Land fahren wir Sie zurück zu Ihrem Wohnort.

> Neben den Bildern hierunter könnt ihr euch auch einen Überblick über die Orte verschaffen, an denen wir im nächsten Video landen werden:

> Diese Reise ist am besten an Wochentagen zu machen, da das Schiff an Wochenenden manchmal etwas überfüllt ist

Um Sie in die richtige Stimmung zu bringen, haben wir hier einige Bilder veröffentlicht.

> (Klicken Sie auf die Bilder, um sie zu vergrößern; -)

  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Leaving the port of Salvador we have a look at the Cidade Baixa down and the historic center up, with the famous Lacerdo elevator linking both parts of the city.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Great musical atmosphere on bord, as the musicians invite everybody to do the samba-thing.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide We sail along the Ribeira-peninsula, with the fortress and church of Monte Serrat at the tip.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Approaching the island Frades
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Disembarking for a visit of the island.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Meanwhile our schooner remains at anchor.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Arriving at the peacefull beach.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide One has to admit that arriving with some Pink Panther sax-music immediatelly sets the tone, no ?
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide While some prefer to take a suntan or a swim we can also have a walk around and discover the beautiful spots of the island.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide The small Church 'Nossa Senhora de la Guadeloupe', recently restored is now a symbol of Frades' cultural héritage.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Only climbing a little and one already observes the beautiful scenery.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide View at Itaparica island from scenic viewpoint at the Church.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide The pier of the island has been restaured and currently back open to the public.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Let's have a walk around in the village.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide The peace and tranquillity is absolutely impressive.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide 'Yeah, I know my truck needs a paintjob ... taking it to the garage now' ;-)
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Typical view of a Bahian fisherman's village.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Let's walk to the other side of the island and watch some wilder places.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Access to a viewing point.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Impressive scenery to the small bay where our schooner is at anchor.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Panoramic view from the mirador de Frades.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Another coastal view that is so typical for the Bay of All Saints.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Last view before embarking to the island Itaparica.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Arriving at the beach of Itaparica ... yeah, you'll get a bit wet to go on land ;-).
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Let's go to the restaurant along the beach.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide The 'Manguezal restaurant' , is where we will have lunch today.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Typical 'Bahian ethnic cuisine' with a 'buffet à volonté'.
  • sailing to the islands Frades and Itaparica in the All Saint's Bay / Baia de Todos os Santos (second largest bay or the world) during the island trip with Ivan Salvador da Bahia & official tour guide Returning to Salvador, with an beautifull vieuw at the São Marcelo fortress around sunset.
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